guest writer

Leaky Roof? Find the Source of Your Roof Damage Before Trying to Repair It

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As today’s guest writer shares, finding the source of your leak is incredibly important in repairing your leak, restoring roof damage and preventing further water damage to your home or building. Fixing that leaky roof properly is also important. As licensed Public Adjusters in Miami, we’ve seen hundreds (if not thousands) of roof repairs that […]

Preventing Property Damage Before the Storm

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When you hear a storm is about to hit, you rush around to prepare your home and your family. But, as today’s guest writer reminds us, having a plan and continually keeping your yard and your home neat can help prevent even an unexpected storm from causing extensive property damage:

Understanding Flood Insurance

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When we think of flooding – images of cars submerged in water and people kayaking down their water-filled streets come to mind. But, flood damage doesn’t have to that extreme to cause serious, costly damage. Just one inch of water in your home could do quite a bit of damage. According to the federal government, flood […]