Septic System……. Covered or Not?

Septic System……. Covered or Not?

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In most cases, septic problems should be covered. Check your policy itself in the section where limitations and exclusions are  listed. If septic problems are not excluded, they should be included.

What is Covered – What Might Not Be

It can depend on why the system  failed or more importantly, were there any damages to the dwelling and or contents associated to the back-up. If the septic system fails due to age, which is common here in south Florida and triggered a back-up which caused damages, all damage to the dwelling and contents would be covered. Your Insurance company should also pay to access the damaged line. The pipe itself would not be covered, but is the least expensive item.

For example, a septic  system gets clogged in a home wether due to a system failure or merely a clog. The sudden backup floods your home, or a portion there of,  destroying carpet, furnishings, contents in general and creating  an unsanitary mess. The Insurance company should cover the cost of cleanup and replacement of all affected flooring and any contents which suffered damage due to this incident.  However, in general, the key to coverage is damage associated with incident.

As always, we highly recommend you to be familiar with all of your Insurance coverages and contact your agent to discuss any questions you may have. Remember, these claims can be extremely complicated. Consider hiring a Public Adjuster to represent you. Statistically representation will pay for itself many times over.

Get the Most from Your Claim

Q: Why work with a Public Adjuster?  A: The insurance companies have experts on their side – so should you. A survey by the State of Florida found that there was a 747 percent increase when an adjuster was hired at the start of the claims process.

Q: What does a Public Adjuster do?  A: ALL-Lines Insurance Adjusters will identify, quantify, and establish the full extent of loss to your home or commercial property from wind, fire or water with your insurance company. We will package and present the claim to achieve a favorable recovery.

Q: How much does it cost me?  A: There are no upfront costs. ALL-Lines only collects when you get paid.

Q: When should I call a Public Adjuster?  A: Now. The sooner we get involved, the better your chances are for recovering more from your insurance claim.

Get started now by calling us at 305-898-3626 to discuss your claim.  Or, tell us about it using this form and we’ll do some research and get back to you:

Tell Us About Your Claim

  • Give us a quick description of what was damaged.
  • Where is the damaged property located?