Dealing with Property Damage

Dealing with Property Damage

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When it comes to dealing with large property damage, natural disasters are always a culprit that leaves much to be repaired. But what about dealing with damage that is intentional or accidental? Those too can create property damages and losses that at times exceed that of a natural disaster. 

Whether it’s from a hurricane or other types of loss, Insureds are left to ponder what they have lost and what the cost’s associated by the incident might be.. In finding answers and piecing together an insurance claim, a helpful option is to recruit the service of a licensed public adjuster. 

As listed on the “Services” menu of our website, you can see we provide counsel for an extensive list of damage claims, from fire to  special risks. Each type of property damage requires its own set of processes to fully assess the damage and prepare a claim.

Assessing Fire Damage

Fire remains complicated, due to the various causes creating this incident, i.e, malfunction, criminal activity, or a natural occurrence, such as lightning. With fire claims, the damage analysis takes longer due to complications from the fire and smoke damage. Adjusters work with authorities and code enforcement, review your policy coverages, such as (Law and ordinance coverage), which, if included in your policy, is designed to protect you from additional costs associated with code upgrades. As in all claims, we begin the “Process” of estimating not only the dwelling damages, but contents as well. Documenting contents damage is critical, especially with regards to fire due to “smoke damage” which affects everything in the dwelling. Contents, at times, can be more costly than dwelling damages. Review your policy to be sure you have the proper contents coverage. The premium costs typically are low as compared to coverage.

Assessing Theft Damage

Theft, also mentioned on the list, can be extremely emotional as well as costly. Documentaion is key when working with a theft claim.  As mentioned before, Homeowners as well as business owners need to document all personal contents throughout. Inusurance companies are detail oriented. Keep all reciepts of personal/business contents, especially expensive contents, i.e, electronics, TV’s computors etc. Take photo’s and video to clearly document these and other contents. It will pay dividends in the long run. At times such as these, one might not recall all that was taken .  Our job is to alleviate the emotional stress caused by such an incident, while working through our process of documentaion, estimating of damages and maximizing your return on such an event.

Assessing Vandalism Damage

Theft and vandalism have the power to make someone feel violated, whether it happens to your home or business. In addition, theft and vandalism both can come with a pretty hefty price tag. Often times, theft and vandalism go hand in hand when it happens to a residence or place of business.

With a public adjuster on your side – you can be sure that your damage will be properly and fully assessed – so that you get the most from your insurance claim. Our process is alway’s comprehensive. Weather its vandalism or any other numerous incidents, our process is as follow’s:
  • The damages are investigated and documented
  • Specialist are called in as needed to address specific damage situations
  • Replacement/Repair estimates are prepared
  • Your insurance policy coverage is studied
  • We inspect your property with insurance company representatives
  • We negotiate with your insurance company
  • We obtain maximum claim settlement