public adjusters

Why Use a Public Adjuster

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Why Use a Public Adjuster and When Does it Make Sense? While you may be familiar with insurance claims adjusters and what they do, you may not realize that policyholder-specific assistance is available from a public insurance adjuster. Working with a public adjuster could make a big difference in how much you collect from your […]

Lightning Coverage and Safety

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Lightning Coverage and Safety  Damage caused by lightning, such as fire, is covered by standard homeowners and business insurance policies. Some home and business insurance policies provide coverage for power surges that are the direct result of lightning striking a home or business. There is also coverage for lightning damage under the comprehensive portion of […]

Why a Public Adjuster?

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Public Adjusters will typically be more complete in their damage analysis than their insurance company counterparts, or the inexperienced policyholder on his or her own because they are trained for it. They provide a comprehensive, personalized service representing the insured’s interest, receiving no compensation until the policyholders are compensated from their insurance company. Public Adjusters […]

Insurance Company Denials Based on Water Backup and Overflow Are Not Always Enforceable

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POSTED ON AUGUST 7, 2014 BY CHRISTOPHER NAHAS Insurance Company Denials Based on Water Backup and Overflow Are Not Always Enforceable Many policyholder disputes involve an insurance contract that includes a provision dealing with water damage. While there are various constructions of the water damage provision, the issue of water that backs up or overflows […]

Water damage/Septic-sanitary lines……..

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Monday, 24 March, 2014 13:14 Water damage/Septic-sanitary lines…….. Having back-ups in baths, kitchen and laundry can be an indication of broken septic/sanitary lines. Homes here in South Florida built in the 1950′s through early 1970′s had cast iron sanitay pipe, which was designed to last 20-25 years. This pipe, now considerably past its life expectancy, […]

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