
Insurance Appraisal and Umpire Process

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The Insurance Appraisal & Umpire process is an alternative to court proceedings and works to resolve the differences between the insured and the insurance carrier in an organized, and final process. Policy provisions control when and if it can be invoked as well as the qualification of the appraisers and umpires. Appraisal does not deal with […]

Insurance Claim Denied! Now What?

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After so many years of paying premiums, finding out the insurance company won’t be paying for damages when you need it the most is extremely disappointing. But a denial of your claim does not have to be the end of the road. Many of the claims that are initially denied can be reversed, but only if you […]

Understanding your homeowners policy

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Reading a homeowners insurance policy for the first time can be intimidating. With all the jargon, exclusions, and conditions you’ll encounter, you may start thinking that Mom was right–you should have gone to law school after all. Nevertheless, all homeowners policies share certain common elements and follow a recognizable design. Once you understand the roadmap, […]

Beware of Option To Repair or Managed Repair Homeowners Policies!

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Collier County homeowner: Insurance company ruined my house GOLDEN GATE, Fla. – A father of five says his family has been living in cramped conditions for almost a year because his insurance company has taken months to fix his home. Steve Harts, who lives just outside of Golden Gate, said a storm in January knocked […]

What Is Covered by Standard Homeowners Insurance?

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Most standard homeowners insurance policies include four essential types of coverage: Coverage for the structure of your home Coverage for your personal belongings Liability protection Additional living expenses if you are temporarily unable to live in your home because of an insured disaster 1. The Structure of Your House Your homeowners policy pays to repair […]

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